Saturday, February 21, 2009

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Valentine's Day and Pre-Schooler Track Meet

We recently had a pre-schooler track meet here in Udhailiyah. Noah had a fun time navigating the obstacle course and doing the "high jump". I love the picture of him with his eye up to the traffic cone, I guess he lost interest in the event for a second. Rylee watched and enjoyed the nice day we had. There are a few pictures of Valentine's Day attached as well.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Look at that pretty little girl.

Crazy hair in the bath tub!

Plenty of cheeks to squeeze here.

Just hangin' out!

Washing baby's hair.

Our big girl can sit up all on her own now!
How great are weekend mornings?

"Here sister, let me help you with that."

Look at those little feet!

Who is that standing up in her pack n' play?

Silly Boy.

"She's got me, she's got me!"

Hands and knees, asking herself, "How do I get over THERE?"