Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween 2008

Happy Halloween 2008! We had a great evening! Noah helped scrape out the Jack-o-Lantern ("Jack" in Noah's terms) and then we set up our candy table. Noah dressed up as a train driver, complete with "choo, choo" and him motioning as if he were pulling his train bell, and Rylee was Raggedy Anne, she played the part beautifully! Both were super cute. Noah had fun saying "treat" at a few doors and even more fun saying "hi" and "good night" to the kids as they came and went from our front yard. I thought Halloween as a kid was is even more fun having kids that enjoy it as much as you did when you were young.

1 comment:

Steve & Jennifer said...

Man, you're kids are the cutest in the entire world! He even wore his hat.. at least long enough for a pic! I LOVE it.. and she looks perfect for that costume - like it was designed just for her!! love you guys